Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Salam..finally..i am able to update my blog..everything has ended, from the upms to the uias, the mfis and also usim's classes. I am now totally free of any teaching (and money grabbing) responsabilities..all the parttime jobs have finished, and all the money taken and spent...which brings us to the main thing that i'd like to say...before that,,here's a picture of all 'cucu atuk's' during raya ari tu.. from left it's my latest product, the ever-active ever-laughing adib irfan (adeeeebb), next to him is suria's mohd ilham shukri( i'am or u'am as adeeb calls him), then we have the eldest of my children afif wahdi, next to him is the sole female grandchildren of my mother and also mine aisya zahraa, next to her on atuk's right hand is intan's mohd iman daniel, and finally next to him is mohd ikhwan najmi, i'am's younger brother (whose hair is like ultraman)


!Nt4N said...


nama anak aku mana ada mohd la..

ya2 said...

ikhwan najmi la bukan najmu.